Few girls love her guys and she knows about love, her lovestory likes a romantic movie, girl met guy, usually likes kooky girl met with perfect guy, then that guy (prince, etc) fall in love and then they live together happily ever after (MG, its like an old story from my english books lol).
Or few girls who knows that life is going in the right way, I mean, theres no time to think love is like on a romantic movie, they just fall in love (no prince or princess), then make a relationship, usually they dont thinking anything when they decide, sometimes they do, few of them is lucky girls, they met extra-perfect guys but few of them just fall in love in that season.
And how about me ? For few reasons I hate my life when sometimes I had been a kooky girl, sometimes I love my life cause I make a REAL strange decision then I aware it quickly, thats sometimes lucky.
Lovestory for me is like chocho, all about sweet things, but sometimes weet things didn't work for me, sometimes I need any advices, sometimes laugh, I have many moments sometimes (feign) to be soooo romantic although my heart is scream "No, dont do it, or you'll regret it!" actually I hate those all, maybe my dream relationship is always finding a new world, (I kinda boring girl, people hangout, I just stayed for read many books) maybe, if I have relationship with someone, I want a new world that extra-ordinary world, full of dreams, do it weird, I love weird things remember ?
(Ps: this story is forbidden for someone out there)
The passed time, I felt I had known someone who make me calm like I want, but, sometimes I think I'd like being alone, (Its mean I'm not good for everyone so please hate and hate and hate and hattteeee me. kick me ) but now I'm trying to be honest, at least only with myself, that...
I do fall in love, although I tried so hard to bring my heart say "Its not true, I just lonely and I need someone understand me!" but is not, the fact is I do love someone, rigt now, I dont know later how, I need him beside me but sometimes I need him away from me, I often though, he problably will gets any girl who so much understand him and love him too much from me out there, but in that time, I think, I'll be sorry.
and fall in love is problem.
Sometimes I was soooo curious how useless mine? Did I live here for disturb them? I've asked few of friends and family about this, but I've never gotten the answer how, for you there who known me, please explain it :)
And there was a girl will get hurts to know about this, not his girlfriend, I've never wan to inlove with someone's boyfriend, she is actually did fall in love like me, and she has any chances not like me, and she was so and so perfect than me, and something so much disturb me, she's cute, he just never though about it.
Maybe if I just fall in love and they didn't know about this, its not actually problem, but, the problem is he was fall in love with me too, so some people said "What are you waitin for?" but the others confused "It's a problem girl, thinks it!" Yeeaa I know it's big problem because the passed time I've ever promised myself, I wanna be only his bestfriend, no love, and once again, theres a girl who love him too, he had a chance before :(
I'd like lovin' someone, but hey someone I love, dont love me back, you'll get hurt and be sorry about it.
and one more, thinking about you kinda reminds me with something I've ever lost .

(kyle patrick)
Love sometimes full likes Tom Hanson on 500days of summer, or, unpredictable like Summer Finn, or we ant decide for it, it's something made people calms, or anything, love is something desperate :)

Or hiding ?

See ya ... :)
Or few girls who knows that life is going in the right way, I mean, theres no time to think love is like on a romantic movie, they just fall in love (no prince or princess), then make a relationship, usually they dont thinking anything when they decide, sometimes they do, few of them is lucky girls, they met extra-perfect guys but few of them just fall in love in that season.
And how about me ? For few reasons I hate my life when sometimes I had been a kooky girl, sometimes I love my life cause I make a REAL strange decision then I aware it quickly, thats sometimes lucky.
Lovestory for me is like chocho, all about sweet things, but sometimes weet things didn't work for me, sometimes I need any advices, sometimes laugh, I have many moments sometimes (feign) to be soooo romantic although my heart is scream "No, dont do it, or you'll regret it!" actually I hate those all, maybe my dream relationship is always finding a new world, (I kinda boring girl, people hangout, I just stayed for read many books) maybe, if I have relationship with someone, I want a new world that extra-ordinary world, full of dreams, do it weird, I love weird things remember ?
(Ps: this story is forbidden for someone out there)
The passed time, I felt I had known someone who make me calm like I want, but, sometimes I think I'd like being alone, (Its mean I'm not good for everyone so please hate and hate and hate and hattteeee me. kick me ) but now I'm trying to be honest, at least only with myself, that...
I do fall in love, although I tried so hard to bring my heart say "Its not true, I just lonely and I need someone understand me!" but is not, the fact is I do love someone, rigt now, I dont know later how, I need him beside me but sometimes I need him away from me, I often though, he problably will gets any girl who so much understand him and love him too much from me out there, but in that time, I think, I'll be sorry.
and fall in love is problem.
Sometimes I was soooo curious how useless mine? Did I live here for disturb them? I've asked few of friends and family about this, but I've never gotten the answer how, for you there who known me, please explain it :)
And there was a girl will get hurts to know about this, not his girlfriend, I've never wan to inlove with someone's boyfriend, she is actually did fall in love like me, and she has any chances not like me, and she was so and so perfect than me, and something so much disturb me, she's cute, he just never though about it.
Maybe if I just fall in love and they didn't know about this, its not actually problem, but, the problem is he was fall in love with me too, so some people said "What are you waitin for?" but the others confused "It's a problem girl, thinks it!" Yeeaa I know it's big problem because the passed time I've ever promised myself, I wanna be only his bestfriend, no love, and once again, theres a girl who love him too, he had a chance before :(
I'd like lovin' someone, but hey someone I love, dont love me back, you'll get hurt and be sorry about it.
and one more, thinking about you kinda reminds me with something I've ever lost .

(kyle patrick)
I think :
You're my totally fancy prince, minder, SMART, you live with wonderfull life and I hope you just aware it, you brought me to life I want, you weren't adult, and me too, so we learned it together, you're GREAT, unstoppable, unpredictable, mysterious, and you're the best thing in the world, aware this!
You're my totally fancy prince, minder, SMART, you live with wonderfull life and I hope you just aware it, you brought me to life I want, you weren't adult, and me too, so we learned it together, you're GREAT, unstoppable, unpredictable, mysterious, and you're the best thing in the world, aware this!
Love sometimes full likes Tom Hanson on 500days of summer, or, unpredictable like Summer Finn, or we ant decide for it, it's something made people calms, or anything, love is something desperate :)

(it'll be lost)
Or hiding ?

"...so maybe its true, that I cant live without you, and maybe two, is better than one, there's so much time, to figure out, the rest of my life, and you've already got me coming undone, and I'm thinking two, is better than one..."
-Boys Like Girls Feat. Taylor Swift
-Boys Like Girls Feat. Taylor Swift
See ya ... :)